Origin Jewellery Story: Sailor Moon

Origin Jewellery Story: Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon
Copyright: Naoko Takeuchi/Toei Animation

In this edition of Origin Jewellery Story, I want to share with you another anime love of mine, who's magic inspired more than a few of my jewellery creations over the years!


Who's Sailor Moon?

Sailor Moon started as a manga called Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon, a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Naoko Takeuchi From 1991 to 1997, and was transformed into an anime in 1992, and a second anime series, Sailor Moon Crystal, began simulcasting in 2014. It’s been popular ever since, and still is today.


Sailor Moon

Copyright:  Naoko Takeuchi/Toei Animation


Sailor Moon first aired in Japan in 1992, and its North American debut occurred in the mid-1990s. During this time, there was a growing interest in anime and manga in North America, and Sailor Moon became one of the pioneering series that introduced many Western audiences to Japanese animation.

The series follows the adventures of a schoolgirl named Usagi Tsukino as she transforms into the eponymous character to search for a magical artifact, the "Legendary Silver Crystal". She leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, called Sailor Guardians in later editions, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.

Sailor Moon stood out as a pioneer in the magical girl genre, blending elements of action, romance, and fantasy. The series featured a diverse cast of strong and relatable female characters, challenging traditional gender roles in animated storytelling. The empowering narrative resonated with viewers, especially young girls, providing them with role models and a sense of agency.

Television played a crucial role in Sailor Moon's widespread appeal during the 1990s. The series was broadcast on popular channels during prime viewing hours, making it easily accessible to a broad audience. Additionally, the merchandising associated with Sailor Moon, including toys, clothing, and accessories, contributed to its status as a cultural phenomenon.


Who Sailor Moon Is to Me


Sailor Moon Crescent Wand

Copyright:  Naoko Takeuchi/Toei Animation


I grew up watching anime, mostly in French on Quebec French TV channels, and had watched the series in English in the 90’s. In the late 90’s I was introduced to the Japanese fan subs on VHS at the Concordia University Otaku Club run by my future partner Steven and his two buddies Ray and Daniel. We even have some of the Japanese mangas even now!  Sailor Moon has inspired a few of my pieces over the years, including these interpretations!


Crescent Moon Wand Pendant 

Time Key Pendant

Time Key Pendant 

Crescent Moon Wand Earrings

Crescent Moon Wand Earrings

The Now

Fast forward to today, and Sailor Moon is experiencing a resurgence in popularity. Nostalgia plays a significant role as those who grew up watching the series in the 1990s now fondly remember it.

The availability of Sailor Moon on digital streaming platforms has allowed both nostalgic fans and new audiences to rediscover or experience the series for the first time. Social media has facilitated the formation of active fan communities, enabling enthusiasts to share their love for Sailor Moon, create fan art, and engage in discussions.


Sailor Moon 30th Anniversary

Copyright:  Naoko Takeuchi/Toei Animation


 Events, anniversaries, and the release of new merchandise have kept Sailor Moon relevant in contemporary pop culture. The themes of friendship, self-discovery, and empowerment portrayed in the series continue to resonate across generations, making sure that Sailor Moon continues to be relevant and never goes out of style!


Thanks for reading everyone!


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